Efficient. Secure. Customizable.
For over twenty years, Travis Systems, Inc. has been providing customizable database solutions for companies across the United States, along with the expertise of Network Systems Management. Our goal is to provide our clients with a solution which simplifies their daily processes without having to learn an entirely new method of doing business. We allow our users to spend more time with their clients, rather than with the paperwork.
Our main product is the OneRoof® Housing Management System. OneRoof is used by city governments, single-county and multi-county agencies, and non-profit organizations, for managing housing services and rehabilitation programs.
The feature list includes:
Application List - all demographic, financial information, and status for client applications, allowing a detailed tracking of the application verification process and the entire history of applicants helped
Bid Document - internal document describing the scope of work required for each application - also generates project management documents from the initial proposals through to the final sign offs
Case Account - tracks all expenditures applied to a project, including using multiple funding sources, and separating administrative and project costs
Loan Register - tracking liens, grants, and loans by property and client, loan repayment processing and loan portfolio reporting, including creating coupon books and amortization schedules
Contractor List - a complete listing of current and past contractors, with company information for filling out activity reports and tracking contracts
Budget Status - up-to-the-minute management reporting of your organizations' financial status - without having to wait for a report from finance
Timecard - track all time spent by staff on each project, allowing for better estimating of staff time requirements, and reducing time required for payroll processing
The OneRoof Housing Management System was designed to be very easy to use, and can be learned in a few hours. It reduces much of your time spent on administration. It is also very customizable, so that you can implement the system with minimal changes to your business processes.
The OneRoof Housing Management System is designed to be used by your entire organization, and is networked so that your information is immediately available for everyone, with standardized data entry and reporting - becoming your central information storage, with the paperwork being filed away for legal backup purposes. only.
Contact us today for a FREE online demonstration - (800) 561-3527, or go to our Contact page to send us an email.