The following are resources provided as a service for Housing Programs:
• HUD updates Area Median Income limits on annual basis.
Get the latest income limits at:
• For HUD's policies and procedures and official forms, try HUDCLIPS at:
• For up-to-date information of policy developments, research and for other related information, try HUDUSER at:
• NCDA (National Community Development Association) is a non-profit organization looking out for you, the local governments, to help improve the type of support you receive for your programs. Check them out at:
• A hot topic, when it comes to the kids of clients of the rehab programs, deals with Lead Based Paint. A repository of information on how to deal with it safely is at HUD's Office Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes site:
• To keep tabs on those companies who the federal government excludes from their list of approved contractors, you can search at: